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A cat’s eye is a lens shaped shell with a flat spiral face. The rounded side can resemble an eye, with multicolored concentric circles. They are the operculum (Latin, “lid”) of modern turban snails. An operculum is a small secondary shell attached to their foot, used to seal the opening of their main shell when threatened. They consist mostly of the biomineral aragonite, the polymorph of the more familiar calcite, meaning they have the same chemical formula but a different crystal structure.
Also known as a Shiva shell or Shiva's eye which name comes from the Hindu diety, Shiva, who is believed to be the controller of time- including the past, present, and the future.
Known to represent the Third Eye and the door way to enlightment and sacred knowledge. It is believed if you meditate or participate in crystal healing with the cat's eye, it will bring out your hunger for knowledge and superior wisdom. The spiral on the cat's eye is known as the symbol of evolution, mystery, and change of cycles.